"Support for this IRIS program comes from..."
Though we live in a digital age, local newspapers continue to connect us to the world in a way no other media can match. Newspapers tell us what is happening in our communities, in our schools and on our streets.
For more than 3,000 Iowans who cannot access the words on the page because of blindness or visual impairment, there is only one place they can find that vital information: IRIS.
Your message will be heard.
Diverse Audience
IRIS listeners will know your business is supportive of seniors and Iowans living with disabilities.
Targeted Placement
Through proper placement, your message can be targeted to potential customers for your specific interest.
Potential Customers
Underwriting messages let our audience know about you and what you offer.
Your underwriting donation to IRIS is tax-deductible.
Transparent Partnership
Underwriting shows our listeners that you support the service that means so much to them.
Underwriting Levels
Details for the various levels of support.
$1,200 per year
- Smaller Newspapers, Weekly Programs.
- Announcements at the beginning, middle, and end of the program.
- Additional recognition: IRIS website and publications.
$2,400 per year
- Premium Weekly Programs (MidWeek Shopping Cart) or specific sections of the Des Moines Register (front page, obituary, or opinion sections).
- Announcements at the beginning, middle, and end of the program or section.
- Additional recognition: IRIS website and publications.
$4,800 per year
- Des Moines Register or entire broadcast day.
- Announcements at the beginning, middle, and end of the Des Moines Register.
- Additional recognition: Inclusion in sponsor announcements that will air 4 times per day, IRIS website, publications, and special events.
IRIS is licensed as a non-commercial, non-profit public radio station. Current guidelines set by the Federal Communications Commission regarding underwriting announcements are as follows:
Announcements (live or recorded) can include:
- The underwriters name (Ex: Bob’s Pencils)
- Slogans which identify but do not promote (Ex: A Classic American Pencil)
- Location information, telephone number, website address (visit Bobspencils.com)
Value-neutral descriptions of a product line, service or trade name which will help identify your business. Ex: “Bob’s Pencils – classic wood pencils available in 14 colors.”
Announcements cannot contain comparative or qualitative language, price information, or calls-to-action.